Ahad, 26 Disember 2010

Lim Kit Siang

Lim Kit Siang

A government out of step with public opinion

Posted: 26 Dec 2010 10:54 PM PST

by Mariam Mokhtar Malaysia Chronicle 27th December 2010 When Communication and Culture Minister Dr Rais Yatim revealed that eighty-four percent of Malaysians understood the 1Malaysia concept, would it be safe to say that Deputy Prime minister Muyiddin Yassin is in the 16 percent group? Earlier, Prime minister Najib Abdul Razak said that the 1Malaysia concept [...]

Pakatan’s 100-day reform plan: Malaysia unbound

Posted: 26 Dec 2010 06:44 PM PST

by Terence Netto Malaysiakini Dec 27, 10 COMMENT You could call it ‘Malaysia Makeover Phase 1′ – this Pakatan Rakyat 100-day reform plan, enunciated a week ago at its second annual convention in Kepala Batas. You could also call it by more grandiloquent terms like ‘National Recovery Plan’ or ‘Malaysia Revival Programme’, as both are [...]

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