Sabtu, 25 Disember 2010

Lim Kit Siang

Lim Kit Siang

Najib is denying the undeniable when he claimed his 1Malaysia slogan is not political

Posted: 25 Dec 2010 07:25 PM PST

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is denying the undeniable when he claimed that his 1Malaysia concept is not political but a tool to foster unity among the different communities for nation-building. Najib cannot deny that in the 20 months since the introduction of Najib's "1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now" slogan, instead of giving [...]

Celebrating the Challenge of Christmas!

Posted: 25 Dec 2010 03:31 AM PST

by Martin Jalleh Christmas Day, 2010 Christmas is here. For many of us who are Christians, we have allowed rampant commercialisation and the "Walt Disneyfication" of Christmas to reduce our Christian spirituality to mere sentimentality. By all means, let us enjoy the carols, cakes, cool cards and cozy nativity scenes, but let us also put [...]

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