Selasa, 13 Julai 2010

Lim Lip Eng

Lim Lip Eng

Segambut MP in 'Octopus Paul' position

Posted: 13 Jul 2010 02:37 AM PDT

Source: (By S Pathmawathy, 13/7/2010)
DAP's Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng may be forgiven for feeling like Paul the Octopus - he has to choose between two different replies to a similar question before Parliament.
The Home Ministry has issued a written reply to his question on the Gerakan Kebangkitan Rakyat (Gertak) rally, although it would not respond when party colleague and Puchong MP Gobind Singh Deo asked for similar information earlier.
Yesterday, Lim questioned the validity of the reply to his question on whether the Gertak rally was deemed seditious, since it was originally to have been held on May 13 - the anniversary of the country's worst racial riots in 1969. He also asked if investigations are underway. Gobind had asked the government on June 4 whether it supported the Gertak rally and if not, what kind of action could be taken against the organisers. A written reply to Gobind quoted Standing Order 23(1)(h): 'A question cannot be posed with the intent to garner opinion or settlement with regard to an outstanding legal matter which is not yet became a motion or in order to get an answer using conjecture.'
However, Lim was told that the rally was "cancelled following protests from various quarters who were confused over the date chosen for the event". "The programme received opposition and negative feedback from several people. However, only one memorandum and two police reports were made to express grievances." The reply further stated that the police have concluded that the rally - eventually held on June 14 in the Terengganu indoor stadium - posed no threat to public order and security. "So what is real answer - the rejection or the reply to me?" he asked.
Previous gaffes
Two cabinet ministers had caused confusion with their written parliamentary replies in recent weeks, but had blamed the error on their respective officers. This was respectively on the issuance of the sports betting licence and the purported relocation of Parliament House to Putrajaya.
Mahfuz Omar (PAS-Pokok Sena) was told that the government would still offer the sports betting licence to Ascot Sports Sdn Bhd, even after a decision had been made to call off the contentious proposal. Earlier, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz had to apologise for a misleading reply to Sim Tong Him (DAP-Kota Melaka) and to clarify that the apparent relocation of Parliament House was only a proposal by the Public Works Department.

Men collect donation under false pretences

Posted: 12 Jul 2010 06:43 PM PDT

Duped: Yong showing the certificate and receipt he was given after making a RM200 donation to the uniformclad men.

Source: (By JAYAGANDI JAYARAJ, 13/7/2010)
A restaurant operator in Taman Sejahtera, Segambut, Kuala Lumpur, became suspicious when three uniform-clad men came to conduct checks at his restaurant on July 9 before asking for a RM3,000 donation. "They were in uniform, complete with name tags but they told us that they were not from the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL). "We were alarmed and afraid because they acted like enforcement officers, checking the shop and advising us on restaurant cleanliness and hiring of foreign workers," said Kwok Weng restaurant owner Yong Chiew Seng, 56. Yong became even more suspicious when the men asked for a RM3,000 donation supposedly for their association gathering.

After negotiating, they settled for RM200, Yong told a press conference organised by Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng recently. He wrote them a cheque for the amount and was presented with a certificate for "Kempen Utamakan Keselamatan dan Kebajikan Pekerja" endorsed by a "Pertubuhan Pembangunan Peniaga and Usahawan". It was signed by the association's secretary-general Mukhtar Harun and president Aznan Mat Akit. After the incident, Yong quickly alerted Lim and cancelled the cheque upon his advice.

Meanwhile, Lim urged the public not to be intimidated by people who came into their premises to ask for donations. "The public are not obliged to give donations and they cannot force people into donating. If a person does not want to donate, he can ask the party asking for donations to leave," said Lim

A call by StarMetro to a landline number printed on the certificate went unanswered. The number was registered to a place in Perak.

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