Isnin, 5 Julai 2010

Lim Lip Eng

Lim Lip Eng

Segambut residents unhappy with developer’s plans

Posted: 04 Jul 2010 06:38 PM PDT

Site of controvesy: The residents are upset that part of their playground (left) has been taken up for the kindergarten.

Voicing out: Lim speaking to some of the residents during the press conference.

Source: (By PRIYA MENON, 5/7/2010)

RESIDENTS of Taman Sri Bintang, Segambut, are angry that part of a 10-year-old playground built by the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) has been taken over by a developer to build a kindergarten. According to them, a gazebo and the jogging trail were demolished three weeks ago.

June Khoo, 63, said this was the only playground and park in the neighbourhood catering to more than 1,000 families. Florence Cheah, 62, is questioning the need for another kindergarten as there are many in the area.

Children from the neighbouring kindergartens also use the playground, while senior citizens go for tai chi classes and jog there in the morning.

Fook Yoon Chin, 65, questioned the land ownership and DBKL's inability to determine the real owner. "How can DBKL build this playground, do upgrading work and later give it up to the developer?" he asked. Taman Sri Bintang Rukun Tetangga chairman Angus Ng has appealed to the DBKL to help spruce up the playground and jogging track.

Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng, who held a press conference with the residents on July 3, said he had checked with the DBKL who confirmed that the land was indeed private land. "I will ask the DBKL to give me a chronological order of the events that occurred since the playground was built. I need it so that I can explain to the people," added Lim. He would also ask that the DBKL ensure that the playground was cordoned off from the kindergarten to ensure the institution does not monopolise the facilities.

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