Jumaat, 9 Julai 2010

Lim Kit Siang

Lim Kit Siang

Introduce 1Malaysia pledge on occasion of 53rd National Day for all participants, schools, universities, 1.2 million civil servants, Ministers, MPs and all Malaysians to be “Malaysian first and race, region, geographical region or socio-economic group second”

Posted: 09 Jul 2010 01:43 AM PDT

Minister for Information Communication and Culture Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim announced yesterday that the 53rd National Day theme from August 1 to September 16 is "1Malaysia Transforming the Nation". At present the 1Malaysia logo has flooded the country but it does not add one iota to the nation-building process. Adding one sentence "1Malaysia Transforming [...]

Some thoughts/Q regarding JPA scholarship policy

Posted: 09 Jul 2010 01:42 AM PDT

by Mary Mag Letters Just wanted to share some of my thoughts/questions regarding the JPA scholarships policy. I believe it is important to recognize and reward merit and tap young potential , so it is important to continue with ‘merit scholarships’. But the government must clearly differentiate between ‘merit scholarships’ (that must be based solely [...]

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