Khamis, 8 Julai 2010

Chong Eng

Chong Eng

My tweets on 2010-07-09

Posted: 08 Jul 2010 07:00 PM PDT

Employment Act 1955 amendment tabled in Parl.Among othrs,inserted definition of sexual harassment after registered medical practitioner # The amendment spell out interpretation of sexual harasmnt & required establishment of procedure 4 dealing with complaints & inquiries # Children n young persons (employment) act tabled 4 amendment,purpose: increase d age of children & YP in employmnt.Any issue u [...]

Press Conference to Announce 3Gs Conference

Posted: 07 Jul 2010 11:28 PM PDT

YB Chong Eng’s speech at 3Gs press conference on 4 July 2010: It is my great honour to announce that the Good Governance and Gender Equality Society (3Gs) will be organizing our inaugural Conference titled, “Gender Mainstreaming: Justice For All” from 31 July to 1 August 2010 at the Paradise Sandy Beach Resort, Penang. While Malaysia [...]

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