My journey - Wong Hon Wai 黃漢偉 |
- Press Interview on Asset Declaration
- Program Anak Emas oleh Kerajaan Pulau Pinang
- Gearing up for the Chinese New Year Cultural and Heritage Festival on 29 Jan 2012
- New look for the New Year - Repainting at Kampung Melayu
Press Interview on Asset Declaration Posted: 04 Jan 2012 05:40 AM PST As reported in Guang Min Daily. 308前資產適度公開 檳議員料下週公佈財產 北馬 2012-01-04 18:12 (檳城4日訊)檳行政議員財產料下週公佈。據悉,各行政議員的財產申報都非常詳盡,但公開予公眾的資料不會是申報的全內容。針對308前的資產,行政議員可在保護其他人隱私下作適度公開,預料最後的公開內容與雪蘭莪州大同小異。 首長林冠英去年12月12日宣佈,將於一個月內公佈檳州行政議員財產後,州政府也火速處理申報工作。據悉,各行政議員已完成申報,並上呈首長。是次申報表格,是往年各行政議員申報的"升級版",資料要求更詳盡。 申報資料較往年詳盡 過往,州政府使用的填報表格是以中央政府的公職人員財產申報表格為藍本,內容簡單粗糙。州政府為提高透明度,便依據有關藍本進行提升與修整。有行政議員透露,新版內容中要求申報的資料,比原來版本詳盡、繁雜,但他們不愿告知詳情。 無論如何,檳房屋委員會主席黃漢偉認為,是次申報確比以往深入,甚至連所擁有土地的"洛號碼"(Lot number)都需填上,非常仔細。 他週三接受《光明日報》訪問時指出,申報資料雖詳盡,但開放予公眾的資料,應是議員收入、車貸、產業融資貸款(房屋、土地及其他等)、供期和股票等。財產資料以308前後界分,以厘清議員當官前後的"身家",表明不存在利益苟且,一切依法行事。 "我覺得公佈議員財產,不是滿足公眾對政治人物的財務狀況的好奇。相反,是要展示清清白白做官、不將人民錢財放進自己口袋的作法,我們是用行動證明一切。" 他說,會將資產做308前後對比,是因部份議員在308前便有家庭或個人事業。有關資產可能是家族聯名、合資,屬共同擁有業務,不分開可能會引起公眾混淆,誤認為當議員"真有好康頭",是不公平的。 資料公佈與雪州雷同 他說,所以公佈的資料不會是填報的全部,如無意外將與雪州大同小異。預料,308後的議員收入、購入產業和擁有的資產,會是公開的重點,但一切仍需首長決定。 他指出,308前都屬議員擔任公職前的收入和資產,各議員可在保護屬家族事業、前合伙人或聯名 者的隱私與人身安全下,申報後選擇以不影響與破壞其他人隱私方式,做適度的公開。 他說,州政府跨出重重障礙,選擇公佈財產已將從政者應具備的清廉與道德,推到另一個高度。人民應更注重議員308後的收入與財產情況,了解民聯議員將"清清白白當官",落實在擔任公職上。 彭文寶:公佈財產 糾正無官不貪偏見 "無官不貪"是人民的偏見與迷思,以為一登龍門便能升官發財。檳衛生、福利及愛心社會委員會主席彭文寶矢言州政府公佈議員財產,就是要糾正偏見,至於公佈多少申報資料,交首長定奪。 "我們都依足表格要求,將個人財產、名下擁有的車子產業甚至股票,都詳細報上,一切已在首長手中。只是,有多少內容被公開,就由首長決定。" 他表示,個人了解,首長將所有資料進行核對,以確保所呈資產資料都屬正確與真實。人民應在財產資料公佈後,仔細分辨308前後的財產擁有,是有區別的,如果一名議員沒在"有權"後以權謀私,才是好官。 "首長已準備公佈了,那國陣呢?人民應該看一看,不是人人做官都要'吃錢',國陣部長級們也應一起公佈。" |
Program Anak Emas oleh Kerajaan Pulau Pinang Posted: 03 Jan 2012 09:05 AM PST |
Gearing up for the Chinese New Year Cultural and Heritage Festival on 29 Jan 2012 Posted: 03 Jan 2012 09:02 AM PST ![]() ![]() 高挂古迹区迎庙会 5千大红灯笼亮年夜 二零一二年一月三日 晚上七时四分 (槟城3日讯)大红灯笼高挂古迹区,"祥龙献瑞庆壬辰文化庙会2012"的场地装饰与布置正如火如荼进行中! 即将于大年初七(1月29日),下午3时至午夜12时举办的年度新春文化庙会,一如以往在古迹区即打铜仔街、本头公巷、大铳巷、打石街、亚贵街、四方巷、牛干冬及甘榜哥南举行。节目丰富多彩,通过4大主题区,即"信仰"、"饮食"、"文艺"及"保健",带出中华文化5000年的精髓。 11日晚举行亮灯仪式 筹委会主席谢川伟对《光华日报》指出,预计今年会挂上5000个灯笼,目前逾90%已挂上,并会在一周内全数挂好。而亮灯仪式将在1月11日,晚上7时进行。届时,大会将邀请槟州首长林冠英及大会主席黄汉伟行政议员等,主持是项亮灯仪式。 "我们预计在1月5日开始搭建中央舞台,并会在原有的牌楼上加上2条祥龙的设计。此外,我们也将会增建5个中国式亭子,分布在活动会场内各处。除了点缀会场的气氛,也让公众可以拍照留念。" Jan |
New look for the New Year - Repainting at Kampung Melayu Posted: 03 Jan 2012 08:58 AM PST ![]() As reported in The Star New look for the new year Almost finished: Work on the repainting of Kampung Melayu flats' Block B in Air Itam is 70% completed. THE repainting of Kampung Melayu flats' Block B in Air Itam, Penang, is expected to be completed in a month. State Town and Country Planning, Housing and Arts Committee chairman Wong Hon Wai said the repainting was already 70% completed. "Much of the exterior has already been repainted, and work on the interior is expected to begin soon. "The 15-storey flats' block al-ready looks much better than before," he told reporters after visiting the flats. The flats now spot white, beige, red, dark green and light grey colours. The repainting work had started on Oct 24. Kampung Melayu Community Development and Security Committee (JKKK) deputy chairman Arifin Abidin said he had received positive comments from the residents. "They liked the bright colours which enliven the atmosphere. "Some even joked that the flats look like an army barrack due to the combination of colours," said the retired civil servant, who had lived in the block for more than 30 years. The state government is footing 80% of the RM270,000 repainting cost while the rest comes from public donations. The Kampung Melayu flats consist of Block A and Block B that were built in the early and late 1970s respectively. Both blocks have about 960 units. The blocks had undergone RM1.13mil rewiring works along the corridors which were completed in June. Earlier, Wong, who is also Air Itam assemblyman, distributed schooling aid to 51 needy children from various primary schools in Air Itam. Each of them received a bag, a set of school uniform, stationery items and a shopping voucher worth about RM200 in total, sponsored by the Penang Zakat Ma-nagement Centre. The distribution was held at the Kampung Melayu JKKK community service centre on Saturday. Single mother Shamsiah Othman, 43, said the contribution would greatly lessen her financial burden. She said the timing was just right as the new school term would reopen tomorrow. The restaurant helper accompanied her daughter Nur Athirah Abdul Halim, 11, to receive the contribution. |
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