Charles Santiago |
- Najib should postpone his trip
- AEPF Express Outrage over Human Rights Violation in Malaysia
- Suhakam gesa bebaskan tahanan Ordinan Darurat
- 联合国关注净选盟大逮捕 人权会促释放所有扣留者
- Calls grow for ‘cowardly’ Najib to stay put and look after his country
Najib should postpone his trip Posted: 08 Jul 2011 09:37 AM PDT Source :- Free Malaysia Today July 8, 2011 Our Prime Minister is abandoning the nation at its most crucial time, says Charles Santiago
Not only did he flip flop on his decision to meet with Bersih 2.0 representatives, the premier also cleverly denied them access to hold a peaceful rally in Stadium Merdeka this Saturday. If this is not embarrassing enough, Najib is set to leave the country tomorrow. His official engagements in the UK and meeting with the Pope in Vatican City cannot be put on hold. Any leader would stay in his country during the time of a political turmoil. Our Prime Minister is abandoning the nation at its most crucial time. Every Malaysian is aware of the tension in the country over the last two weeks. The nation has been besieged by arbitrary arrests, detentions and harassment against activists. Najib's cowardly act is of no surprise. We have seen the same during the time of former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He was nowhere to be seen when the Operasi Lalang was carried out by the police on Oct 27, 1987. A total of 106 opposition leaders and social activists were arrested under the Internal Security Act (ISA), which allows for detention without trial. The publishing licenses of two dailies, The Star and Sin Chew Jit Poh, were revoked. When Mahathir returned to the country, he blamed the former police chief Hanif Omar for the arrests. Shameless behaviour Are we going to see a repeat of government crackdown on Friday? Will Najib leave, only to pave the way for more arbitrary arrests under ISA? Will his absence be used to declare a state of emergency in Kuala Lumpur? Nothing that the government does would surprise Malaysians anymore. The ruling Umno/BN leaders have proven over and over that they would not hesitate to abuse their power to keep their positions intact. This is shameless behavior.If Najib cares two hoots about the country and people, he will stay put. Otherwise, he will only be too happy to get on the flight with his packed bags, leaving his cabinet ministers and police to do the dirty work for him. Tomorrow, we would know the true calibre of this man Charles Santiago is DAP's Klang MP. ![]() | |
AEPF Express Outrage over Human Rights Violation in Malaysia Posted: 08 Jul 2011 02:37 AM PDT Dear Prime Minister Najib, We, of the Asia-Europe Peoples' Forum (AEPF), are alarmed by the recent arrest of leaders and members of Bersih — the Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections. As a network of people's organisations, coalitions, NGOs, academics, trade unions, and parliamentarians who uphold the principles of democracy, rule of law, justice, and human rights, we at the AEPF denounce this blatant disregard by the Malaysian government of the civil and political rights of its citizens. We particularly condemn the crackdown against Parti Socialis Malaysia (PSM) and the continued detention without any charges or open trial of 30 PSM members including a Member of Parliament for simply campaigning for clean and fair elections. May we remind you that Malaysia, as a member of ASEM (with whom we at AEPF actively engage), adhere to the Asia-Europe Cooperation Framework (AECF) which "envisage(s) Asia and Europe as an area of peace and shared development uphold(s) the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, respect for democracy, the rule of law, equality, justice and human rights, concern for the environment and other global issues, eradication of poverty, protection of cultural heritage and the promotion of intellectual endeavours, economic and social development, knowledge and educational resources, science and technology, commerce, investment and enterprise." The Malaysian government's actions are contrary to these AECF principles. Based on information from networks in Malaysia, at least 150 persons have been arrested or summoned by the police for investigation on politically-motivated charges. A Filipino labor leader – Romy Castillo – who attended the month-long study trip with PSM was among those arrested and detained. We cannot allow the harassments, arrests, especially the torture and inhumane treatment of the detained PSM members and their supporters to continue. We strongly support the following calls of our Malaysian networks such as PSM and SUARAM, together with other human rights organisations like FORUM Asia, for the government of Malaysia to:
On July 2, 6 PSM leaders (Sungai Siput MP Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj, PSM deputy chairperson M. Saraswathy, central committee members Choo Chon Kai and M. Sukumaran, Sungai Siput branch secretary A. Letchumanan, and PSM Youth leader Sarat Babu) were put under indefinite preventive detention under the draconian Emergency Ordinance by the police. Further, these 6 leaders and another 24 PSM activists – all were peacefully holding information-campaign activities for clean and fair elections – are charged for offenses under penal code article 122 ("waging war against the king"), the Sedition Act, and the Police Act of 1967. The Malaysian government should ensure the detainees the physical and mental integrity of the detainees and allow for family and lawyer access.
Bersih was established for the purpose of promoting reform of Malaysia's electoral laws, regulations, and procedures. As a coalition of over 60 NGOs, it has made comprehensive proposals that deserve the consideration of your government and the Election Commission. The Bersih leaders and supporters have pursued their civil and political rights to participation in their government as provided by international human rights laws and principles. Malaysia should respect and protect the human rights of its people especially when Malaysia is also a member of the UN Human Rights Council.
Bersih leaders have publicly pledged that the planned July 9 march will be peaceful. The Malaysian government should allow the march to proceed and clearly undertake not to unilaterally block, disrupt, or otherwise break up the march as long as it remains peaceful. Similarly, the planned marches by Perkasa and UMNO Youth should also be allowed under the same provisos and conditions that they are peaceful. We call on the authorities to confine their role to maintaining the peace by keeping separate all three marches and rallies to be held on July 9 so that there would be no incidents between marchers. The police should not harass or arrest persons peacefully travelling to join and participate in those marches on July 9. We look forward to your immediate and fair consideration to our calls. For justice and peace,
Tina Ebro Charles Santiago Institute for Popular Democracy Monitoring Sustainability of Globalisation AEPF Co-coordinator for Asia AEPF Co-coordinator for Asia
Maris dela Cruz AEPF Secretariat for Asia c/o Institute for Popular Democracy 28 Mapagkawanggawa corner Magiting Streets Teachers' Village, Diliman, Quezon City Philippines
AEPF is a network of about 500 civil society organisations across Asia and Europe. Among them are the following organisations and individuals that took part in drafting and in circulating this letter.
Asia House (Germany) Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM Asia) Development and Civilisations Lebret-Irfed (France) Focus on the Global South (Thailand, Asia) Finnish Asiatic Society (Finland) Institute for Popular Democracy (Philippines) Indonesian Partnership for Local Governance Initiatives (Indonesia) Monitoring Sustainability of Globalisation (Malaysia) One World Action (United Kingdom) Transnational Institute (Netherlands) Vietnam Peace and Development Foundation (Vietnam) 11.11.11. (Belgium) Action for People’s Democracy in Thailand Akbayan Youth (Philippines) Alab Katipunan-Fervor of the Katipunan (Philippines) Alyansa ng Maralitang Pilipino – Alliance of Poor Filipinos (Philippines) Alliance of Progressive Labor (Philippines) Altsean-Burma Aniban ng mga Manggagawa sa Agrikultura (Philippines) Anti-POSCO PPSS (Orissa,India) Asia Floor Wage Alliance (India) Back Pack Health Worker Team (Burma) Both ENDS (Netherlands) Burma Layers’ Council Burma Partnership Center For Peace & Civil Society (Pakistan) Centre for Policy Analysis, India Centre for Human Rights and Development, Food Coalition (Mongolia) Citizens' Peace Watch (Philippines) Coalition for Nuclear Disarmamant and Peace (India) DEMOS (Indonesia) Dignity International (Malaysia/Netherlands) EU-ASEAN FTA Campaign Network (Southeast Asia) Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (Bangladesh) Europe solidaire sans frontières (ESSF), France Forum for Democracy in Burma Global Call to Action Against Poverty (Philippines) Green Watershed (China) Human Rights Defenders-Pilipinas (HRD-Pilipinas) Human Rights Education Institute of Burma (HREIB) Human Rights Working Group (HRWG-Indoenesia) Indian Social Action Forum (India) Keadilan dan Demokras (Indonesia) KePPaK PEREMPUAN (Indonesia) Kilusan para sa Pambansang Demokrasya (Philippines) Inkrispena (Indonesia) Initiatives for International Dialogue (Philippines) International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (Indonesia) Institut Perempuan-Women's Institute (Indonesia) Institute for Global Justice (Indonesia) Institute of Social Development (Sri Lanka) International Institute for Research and Education-Manila (Philippines) Judicial System Monitoring Programme (Timor) Kampanya para sa Makataong Pamumuhay/Life of Dignity for all Campaign (Philippines) KAUKUS 17++ network (Indonesia) Labour Party Pakistan Lao Biodiversity LBA (Lao) Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center (Philippines) Malaysian Election Observers Network (Malaysia) Migrant Forum in Asia (Asia) Mindanao Peoples’ Peace Movement (Philippines) Nadi Ghatti Morcha (Chhatisharh, India) National Trade Union Federation (Pakistan) Nasional Secretariat Indonesia People Empowered and Preparedness Networking (Indonesia) Network for Democracy and Development (NDD) Network for Transformative Social Protection (Asia) Nigeria Labour congress (Nigeria) Nonviolence International Southeast Asia Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (Pakistan) Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee (Pakistan) Pambansang Katipunan ng mga Samahan sa Kanayunan (Philippines) Partido Lakas ng Masa-Party of Laboring Masses (Philippines) Partido ng Manggagawa-Labor Party (Philippines) Pax Romana- ICMICA Asia PEACE (India) Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (Philippines) Philippine Airlines Employees Association-PALEA (Philippines) Peoples’ Empowerment Foundation (Thailand) People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (Korea) Peoples Union for Civil Liberties (Uttar Pradesh, India) Perhimpunan Rakyat Pekerja (Working People Association) Indonesia PERGERAKAN Indonesia (Indonesia) Preparation Committee for Confederation of National Union (Indonesia) Progressive Youth Front (Pakistan) RESPECT Network – Europe Rosa Luxemburg Foundation-Brussels Office (Belgium) Shwe Gas Movement from Burma SOLIDAR (Belgium) Southeast Asian Centre for e-Media Stop the War Coalition (Philippines) Student Council Alliance of the Philippines (Philippines) Students and Youth Congress of Burma ( SYCB) Taiwan Association for Human Rights (Taiwan) Think Centre (Singapore) United Cavite Workers’ Association (Philippines) Uppsala Social Forum (Sweden) WomanHealth Phippines Women League of Burma (WLB ) Women Workers Help Line (Pakistan) Women’s Day Off ( Philippines) Worker Hub For Change ( WH4C ) International World Forum for Democratization in Asia (Taiwan) Yayasan LINTAS NUSA – Batam (Indonesia) Young Progressives Southeast Asia (Philippines) Individuals:
Prof. Anuradha Chenoy, Jawaharlal Nehru University (India) Dr. Francisco Nemenzo, Professor Emeritus, University of the Philippines Hoang Phuong Thao (Vietnam) Ichiyo Muto (Japan) Josefa S. Francisco, Chairperson, International Studies Dept, College of International, Humanitarian & Development Studies- MIRIAM COLLEGE (Philippines) Prof. Kamal Mitra Chenoy, Jawaharlal Nehru University (India) Ms. Valentina Sagala, Women's Institute ( Indonesia) YC Cheeuh, Trade Union officer, NUBE (Malaysia)
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Suhakam gesa bebaskan tahanan Ordinan Darurat Posted: 07 Jul 2011 11:40 PM PDT Source: Harakah Daily KUALA LUMPUR, 8 Julai: Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (Suhakam) menyatakan rasa kebimbangan tentang penangkapan dan penahanan beberapa Ahli Parlimen serta aktivis Bersih baru-baru ini di bawah Seksyen 3(1) Ordinan Darurat (Ketenteraman Awam dan Pencegahan Jenayah) 1969 dan menyeru pihak berkuasa untuk membebaskan mereka yang masih ditahan dengan segera. Pengerusinya, Tan Sri Hasmy Agam berkata, mereka seharusnya berhak kepada perbicaraan terbuka dengan diwakili peguam seperti yang disebut dalam Perkara 9, 10 dan 11 UDHR yang menyatakan bahawa tiada sesiapapun boleh dikenakan tangkapan secara sewenang-wenangnya; setiap orang adalah berhak dengan sama rata sepenuhnya kepada perbicaraan adil dan terbuka; dan setiap orang berhak dianggap tidak bersalah sehingga dibuktikan sebaliknya. Menurutnya, sebagai ahli Majlis Hak Asasi Manusia Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB), adalah menjadi tanggungjawab kerajaan untuk menyokong standard tertinggi dalam mempromosi dan melindungi hak rakyat. "Dalam perkara ini, Suruhanjaya telah berulangkali menyeru agar semua undang-undang penahanan pencegahan dimansuhkan dan mengulangi bahawasanya penahanan tanpa bicara adalah melanggar prinsip hak asasi manusia," ujarnya dalam satu kenyataan. Beliau juga mengalu-alukan konsultasi yang sedang berjalan di antara pihak berkuasa dan Bersih berhubung dengan cadangan perhimpunan, yang akan diadakan di stadium, setelah menurut titah DYMM Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin pada 4 Julai dan majlis menghadap yang diperkenankan oleh DYMM Tuanku kepada Bersih pada 5 Julai 2011. Katanya, walaupun mengalu-alukan perkembangan positif ini, dalam keadaan sekarang, Suruhanjaya ingin mengulangi bahawa kebebasan berhimpun secara aman adalah terkandung dalam Perkara 10(1)(b) Perlembagaan Persekutuan serta Perkara 20(1) Perisytiharan Hak Asasi Manusia Sejagat (UDHR), dan kebebasan menyuarakan pandangan dan pendapat adalah terkandung dalam Perkara 19 UDHR. "Suruhanjaya berharap agar resolusi awal berkenaan perkara ini dapat dicapai antara pihak berkuasa dan Bersih dalam semangat perdamaian, seperti yang dititahkan oleh baginda Tuanku Yang di-Pertuan Agong, dan akan memantau perhimpunan itu sewajarnya," katanya lagi. ![]() | |
Posted: 07 Jul 2011 11:37 PM PDT Source: Merdeka Review 作者/本刊记者 Jul 08, 2011 12:43:01 pm 【本刊记者撰述】包括联合国人权最高专员署在内的国际组织纷纷发表文告,关注我国政府压制国民表达和集会自由权,大肆逮捕净选盟2.0支持者的滥权现象。马来西亚人权委员会(SUHAKAM)今天重申,集会是宪赋人权,并促政府释放所有被逮捕的人士。
该法定组织欢迎政府和净选盟在国家元首给予净选盟忠告之后,商讨体育馆举行大集会,并希望政府和净选盟在和解的精神下达致初步解决方案,并监督大集会的进行。 哈斯米同时关注数名国会议员和社会活跃人士在《1969年紧急(公共秩序与防范罪案)法令》第3(1)条款下被逮捕的事件,并促政府即刻释放他们。 他表示,他们应该享有由律师代表上庭抗辩的权利,就如全球人权宣言第9、第10和第11条款阐明的,没有人应该被扣留,每个人都应该享有公平审讯的平等权利,以及在证明有罪之前,每个人都是清白的。" 联合国促释放扣留者 人权委员会在文告中指出,作为联合国人权理事会的成员,马来西亚政府应该以最高标准提升和维护人民的权利,为此人权委员会持续呼吁废除所有允许政府未经审讯扣留的法律,因未经审讯扣留违反人权原则。 马来西亚政府过去一个月来滥权逮捕净选盟大集会支持者和身穿黄衣者,得到多个国际人权组织的关注。日前联合国亦发表文告,表明关注政府采取的措施,包括限制表达自由。 文告指出,联合国人权最高专员署(United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights)最近接到有关镇压的投报,包括骚扰、恐吓、逮捕和威胁净选盟成员。 该专员署发言人卢勃(Rupert Colville)说:"根据可靠消息,至少150人已经被传召、逮捕或提控,包括一些在野党国会议员。" "我们非常关注政府用以限制马来西亚表达自由的各项措施,包括防范性扣留,以及根据报道政府宣布净选盟是个非法组织。" "我们呼吁政府释放所有和平行使表达自由权的扣留者。"
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Calls grow for ‘cowardly’ Najib to stay put and look after his country Posted: 07 Jul 2011 11:27 PM PDT Source: Malaysian Chronicle Thursday, 07 July 2011 17:52 Written by Charles Santiago The censorship of memory is a clear mark of a dictator. Malaysia’s Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak is no exception. Not only did he flip flop on his decision to meet with Bersih 2.0 representatives, the premier also cleverly denied them access to hold a peaceful rally in Stadium Merdeka this Saturday. If this is not embarrassing enough, Najib is set to leave the country tomorrow. His official engagements in the UK and meeting with the Pope in Vatican City cannot be put on hold. Any leader would stay in his country during the time of a political turmoil. Our Prime Minister is abandoning the nation at its most crucial time. Every Malaysian is aware of the tension in the country over the last two weeks. The nation has been besieged by arbitrary arrests, detentions and harassment against activists. Same cowardly behavior at Ops Lalang 1987 Najib’s cowardly act is of no surprise. We have seen the same during the time of former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He was nowhere to be seen when the Operasi Lalang was carried out by the police on October 27, 1987. A total of 106 opposition leaders and social activists were arrested under the Internal Security Act (ISA), which allows for detention without trial. The publishing licenses of two dailies, The Star and Sin Chew Jit Poh, were revoked. When Dr Mahathir returned to the country, he blamed the former police chief Hanif Omar for the arrests. Are we going to see a repeat of government crackdown on Friday? Will Najib leave, only to pave the way for more arbitrary arrests under ISA? Will his absence be used to declare a state of emergency in Kuala Lumpur? Nothing that the government does would surprise Malaysians anymore. The ruling UMNO/BN leaders have proven over and over that they would not hesitate to abuse their power to keep their positions intact. This is shameless behavior. If Najib cares two hoots about the country and people, he will stay put. Otherwise, he will only be too happy to get on the flight with his packed bags, leaving his cabinet ministers and police to do the dirty work for him. Tomorrow, we would know the true calibre of this man
- Charles Santiago is the MP for Klang ![]() |
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