My journey - Wong Hon Wai 黃漢偉 |
Penang State Heritage Enactment Posted: 14 Apr 2011 08:07 AM PDT ![]() ■槟州首席部长林冠英透露,2011年槟州文化遗产法案将在于4月杪召开的州议会上提呈,左为黄汉伟州行政议员 首长:月杪呈古迹法案 槟护遗又领先各州 (槟城13日讯)槟州首席部长林冠英透露,于本月29日开始召开的州议会上,将提呈2011年槟州古迹法案。槟首长林冠英是今午召开记者会,作出以上宣布。陪同者有槟州城市及乡村规划、房屋及艺术委员会主席黄汉伟行政议员。 他说,自槟城及马六甲于2008年7月7日被联合国教科文组织宣布列为世界文化遗产城后,世界文化遗产理事会已指示必须拟定一项管理的机制及适当的条令,以确保槟城乔治市世界文化遗产城的地位获得维护。 他强调,有鉴于此,槟州政府采取积极的步骤,建议拟定一项适当的法案,以管理及维护不只乔治市,甚至涵盖整个槟州的文化遗产。 他指出,在建议中,槟州政府维护的将包括乔治市世界文化遗产区内有形或无形的文化遗产,天然的文化遗产及州内其它的文化遗产区。 他继透露,2005年国家文化遗产法令(645法令),在基本上是鉴定、列定、在宪报上公布及维修全国文化遗产区内的所有物体,这包括有形或无形的文化遗产,但尽管如此,槟州政府认为这即难以实行,因为在州级或地区上缺乏清楚的机制,即使目前在槟州只有一个世界文化遗产区及其它已被鉴定需要维护的文化遗产区。他是于周三在一项新闻发布会上,如此指出。 甲把草场转购物中心 不与"坏"典范比较 林冠英强调,马六甲是马六甲,所以槟州的文化遗产法令不需要与马六甲已拟定的文化遗产法令相同。他说,在维护文化遗产方面,槟州又再领先国内其它各州,它在维护、保护文化遗产方面是更为积极,而马六甲州政府竟然把一个大草场转为一座大型的购物中心,所以槟州不会与这种"坏"的典范比较。 他透露,槟州政府曾被指责过于"亲"维护古迹,也曾被指"亲"发展,不过在事实上,它只是尝试在寻求平衡,可是永远也不可能让所有人感到满意。 他强调,虽然不能让所有人都感到满意,但槟州政府也不会让所有人都不满意。 Apr 14, 2011 Clout for conservation State heritage protection law for Penang in the offing GEORGE TOWN: Penang plans to table a state heritage Bill during its legislative assembly sitting at the end of the month, said Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng. "The enactment was drafted with the aim of providing a mechanism to protect, manage and develop the state's heritage listing under Unesco. "It will be tabled during the sitting on April 29 and probably be opened for debate," he told a press conference. Lim said the enactment, which was drafted with input from several non-governmental or- ganisations (NGOs), would also ensure that all stake holders are governed by a set of clear regulations. "The enactment will not only cover the heritage zone within George Town but also historical sites throughout the state. "A draft of the proposed Bill will be sent to all 40 backbenchers to ensure that they understand the objective behind this new law," he added. Asked if the state government was being influenced by heritage conservationists, Lim said the state was stuck in the middle over the managing of the heritage issue. "On one hand, we are accused of being influenced by conserva-tionists and on the other, we are also accused of being pro-development. "We cannot please everybody but we hope to strike a balance with all parties, by introducing the enactment," he said. |
Anniversary bash - Penang State Museum and Gallery Posted: 14 Apr 2011 07:52 AM PDT As reported in The Star SCREENING of short films in 3D, tra-ditional food, games, trishaw rides, planetarium shows, musical and artistic performances will all be part of the Penang State Museum and Art Gallery's 46th anniversary celebration. The celebration will be held at its premises at 57, Jalan Macalister from tomorrow to Sunday, with opening hours from 10am to 8pm. Entrance to the museum during the celebration period is free. The museum curator Haryany Moha- mad said a notable attraction would be a spectrohelioscope, a type of solar telescope that can be used to study the sun in monochromatic light or light with only a single wavelength. The instrument is on loan from the state Metereological Department for the celebration. Haryany said there would be competitions in teen graffiti, children's art, storytelling, lorry designing, coconut bashing and sculpturing using recyclable items. Visitors can also take part in history, arts and heritage quizzes, photography, and water rocket demonstration. Haryany added that visitors would be able to sign up for the Friends of Penang State Museum and Art Gallery, which will offer members discounts on museum merchandise and other benefits such as free entrance to the museum. State executive councillor Wong Hon Wai, who is also Penang State Museum Board chairman, said this was the first time the museum was celebrating its anniver- sary. He said the dates were chosen as the museum was officially opened by the late Governor of Penang, Raja Tun Uda Al-Haj Bin Mohamad on April 14 in 1965. "The anniversary celebration will be officiated by our present Governor, Yang di-Pertua Negri Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas," said Wong. For details, visit the museum's Face- book page at statemuseumandartgallery or call 04-2613 144. 槟博物馆及艺术画廊庆生46岁 公众可免费入场参观 由 Buletinmutiara 于 2011年4月14日13:09 发布 槟州博物馆及艺术画廊46岁了!槟州博物馆及画廊将于4月14至17日庆祝周年纪念,也是自1965年正式成立以来首次庆祝"生日",尽管庆祝活动将在中路57号分馆举行,不过华盖街主馆也将会在14日当天免费开放给公众参观。 槟州博物馆及艺术画廊于1964年成立在乔治市华盖街,该建筑物当时是由东印度公司的罗拔史密夫上校所捐献,而罗拔史密夫上校当时则是将该建筑物充当教育用途,成立了大英义学校及哈珍学校。 直到1961年才由我国第一任首相东姑阿都拉曼建议将该建筑物改为现在的博物馆,而这座博物馆在1965年4月14日下午5时30分由槟城第一任州元首主持正式开幕,而博物馆委员会则在1972年6月13日在槟州州议会上通过有关法案后成立。 此外,博物馆委员会在得到槟岛市政局的配合下,成功租借充满历史背景及广阔的建筑物,那就是中路57号作为槟州博物馆分馆。 槟州博物馆及艺术画廊委员会也藉着槟州博物馆及艺术画廊成立46周年,重新出版停刊了17年之久的博物馆及艺术画廊2010年年度报告,该报告详细地记录了博物馆及艺术画廊全年的活动报告,访客建议及留言等。 槟州博物馆委员会主席黄汉伟在致词时说,一座成功的博物馆及艺术画廊的功能不单单只是展览好或举办活动,一间博物馆及艺术画廊的成功,是在于成为一个城市的代言人,访客可从博物馆了解那个城市的历史背景,并从艺术画廊中了解当地的文化艺术气息及特点。 槟州博物馆及艺术画廊成立46周年庆典活动于今日(週四)由槟州元首及槟州元首后主持开幕,为期4天的全场全天候入场免费,闭幕仪式落在17日下午5时。 槟州博物馆及艺术画廊成立46周年庆典活动: 1.40及50年代音乐回顾展览 2.电动三轮车展览 3.槟州博物馆及艺术画廊历史回顾展览 4."槟州博物馆朋友日"登记日 5.博物馆及艺术画廊2010年年度报告展览 6.免费入场的3D短片播放(主办单位将播放7分钟的3D短片,而该短片主要是讲述恐龙的进化阶段) |
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