Charles Santiago |
- Kes Teoh, Sarbani adalah sama, kata MP Pakatan
- Police prevent protest at Selangor MACC
- 民联议员见雪反贪委总监 警方恐集会封路严阵以待
- Pakatan MPs meet MACC amid the death of customs officer
- Najib under fire over ‘flippant’ statement
Kes Teoh, Sarbani adalah sama, kata MP Pakatan Posted: 11 Apr 2011 02:50 AM PDT Source: Malaysiakini
Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak silap ketika mendakwa tiada persamaan antara kematian Teoh Beng Hock dan penolong pengarah Kastam, Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, kata beberapa ahli parlimen Pakatan Rakyat hari ini.
“Najib adalah salah kerana ada persamaan dengan kematian Teoh Beng Hock. Kedua-dua mereka mati di bangunan kerajaan kettika dalam tahanan agensi pihak berkuasa," kata ahli parlimen Klang, Charles Santiago. Santiago dan tiga lagi ahli parlimen – MP Shah Alam Khalid Samad, MP Teluk Intan M Manogaran dan MP Kota Raja Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud hari berjumpa dengan pengarah SPRM Selangor Datuk Jaafar Maahad bagi melahirkan kebimbangan mereka berhubung keselamatan orang ramai kepada suruhanjaya itu. 50 polis Keempat-empat ahli parlimen itu diiringi kira-kira 20 penyokong, bertemu Jaafar kira-kira 10 pagi tadi.
Beliau berkata pihaknya berpuas hati dengan penjelasan yang diperolehi daripada Jaafar termasuk memberi jaminan bahawa SPRM negeri sentiasa memastikan semua pegawainya mematuhi prosedur siasatan yang ditetapkan. “Dalam pertemuan ini, kami juga melahirkan kebimbangan orang ramai berhubung keselamatan saksi atau tertuduh dalam kes rasuah apabila dibawa ke premis SPRM,” katanya , Sementara itu, Bernama melaporkan bahawa hampir 50 anggota polis dilihat mengawal dan menyekat laluan menuju ke Wisma PKPS di Shah Alam sejak 8.30 pagi tadi dipercayai bagi mengelakkan sebarang kejadian yang tidak diingini.
Allahyarham didakwa datang secara sukarela ke pejabat SPRM untuk berbincang sesuatu mengenai siasatan kes rasuah dengan pegawai penyiasat suruhanjaya tersebut. Ekoran kejadian itu, dua pegawai SPRM digantung tugas kerana ingkar perintah berhubung pengendalian saksi yang berkaitan dalam kes kematian berkenaan. ![]() |
Police prevent protest at Selangor MACC Posted: 11 Apr 2011 02:29 AM PDT Source: The Malaysian insider
By Yow Hong Chieh April 08, 2011 ![]() Police arrest the man outside the MACC office today, April 8, 2011. — Picture by Jack Ooi SHAH ALAM, April 8 — Police tightened security around the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) office here today to prevent protests for or against the anti-graft body, and briefly detained a man who unfurled a placard. The man was arrested by uniformed officers at around 12.20pm just two minutes after he and six other men unfurled crudely-made placards in front of Wisma PKPS, where the Selangor MACC is based. The placards read "Biar police siasat, jangan ganggu siasatan police" (Let the police investigate, don't interfere in police investigations) and "Pergi jahanam DAP" (Go to hell DAP). Shah Alam district police chief Zabedi Ayob told The Malaysian Insider the man, who looked to be in his 40s, was later released without charge. "Since the illegal assembly did not happen, we decided to let him off with a warning," he said. Klang MP Charles Santiago had earlier wanted to hand a memorandum to the Selangor MACC, along with other Selangor lawmakers and civil society groups, just two hours before the arrest. Some 50 policeman had cordoned off the road in front of Wisma PKPS in anticipation of a possible protest. Santiago, who is Selangor DAP vice-chairman, has described the MACC as a "house of death" following the death of Selangor Customs assistant director Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed at the MACC office in Jalan Cochrane, Kuala Lumpur, the second such death in just under three years. Ahmad Sarbani was found dead on the ground outside the Kuala Lumpur MACC office at about 10.20am on Wednesday. He is believed to have fallen out of the building's third-floor window. His death comes as a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) is investigating MACC operational procedures and the death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock, who died in MACC custody two years ago. Teoh was found dead on the fifth floor of Plaza Masalam in Shah Alam on July 16, 2009 after an overnight interview at the then-Selangor MACC headquarters on the 14th floor. ![]() |
Posted: 11 Apr 2011 02:25 AM PDT Source: Merdeka Review 作者/本刊陈慧思 Apr 08, 2011 11:25:56 am 【本刊陈慧思撰述/摄影】四名雪州民联国会议员今早赴位于雪兰莪莎亚南的雪州反贪委总部,要求反贪委就雪州关税局官员阿末沙巴尼离奇死亡事件作出交待。警方因担心现场出现集会而派出大约50名制服警员严阵以待,在该办公楼前的交通圈设置路障封路。
上述四名民联国会议员主要是要向嘉化玛哈了解阿末沙巴尼(Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed)命案的详情,并要求反贪委就沙巴尼离奇横尸反贪委办公楼一事作出解释,以及向反贪委提出建议,如设定盘问证人程序、增设闭路电视等。
查尔斯接受记者采访时透露,原本有300名关税局跑腿要随他们到雪州反贪委总部示威抗议,可是昨晚至今早他们接到数通电话,警告他们一旦参与示威,就会被革职,以致最终示威活动流产。 命案疑窦重重 卡立沙末表示,在反贪委办公楼范围内发生命案,是没法让人接受的;虽然命案并非发生在雪州,但他们是雪州议员,因此他们前往雪州反贪委总部,要求反贪委解释及透明彻查这起命案。 他说,嘉化玛哈认同,上述命案不该发生,因这宗尚在调查中的案件罪不至死,并称雪州反贪委依循条规,安装闭路电视,并规定官员需在证人踏入反贪委范围内至离开时陪同在侧。
他说,在阿末沙巴尼命案中,政府称他是自行回到吉隆坡反贪委总部,但是亦有说他是被要求回到隆反贪委总部,没有人知道谁真谁假。 马诺哈然(左图左)则说,在他当律师的经验中,他从未看过有嫌疑犯会自行回到调查单位,他必然是因被传召方会回到调查单位。 他且问道:"有说他自杀,但是为什么他要到反贪委自杀,在其它地方自杀不行?" 另外,查尔斯说,他从第三电视的画面看到,吉隆坡反贪委的办公室窗户很小,"一个大男人怎么跳出窗户"? "因此,他的死引起很多疑窦,但是最重要的是,纳吉错了,赵明福和沙巴尼命案有很多相似之处,因为他们都是在政府部门、反贪委办公楼(死亡)。他们都在反贪委的监护下。不管死亡原因是什么,他们死亡的地点是政府部门,即反贪委,因此,反贪委必须负责任。" 另外,他和卡立沙末皆问道,警方宣称沙巴尼自行携带文件前往反贪委,那么这些文件是什么文件,现在又在哪里? 不接受自杀论 查尔斯呼吁政府设立皇家调查委员会,以调查沙巴尼的命案,并重振公众对反贪委的信心。马诺加然附和其说法,并要求国会下议院院长即刻批准紧急动议,以辩论赵明福和沙巴尼的命案及反贪委的调查程序。
早前出席沙巴尼葬礼的卡立沙末表示,当地回教堂的负责人告诉他,沙巴尼是一名好人,且是虔诚的回教徒,在宗教司休假时,他会代替宗教司领导祈祷。 他说,根据回教,自杀者将直接入地狱,不能上天堂,因此"自杀"的说法不能被接受。 反贪委上周六(4月2日)宣布,反贪委追查槟州、雪兰莪、柔佛、彭亨的五个港口关税局官员,逮捕62名涉嫌舞弊案者,并缴获逾百万脏款。其中,被逮捕的雪州关税局有42人。 这些关税员疑涉及洗黑钱、逃税、不法献金等舞弊。被扣者当中有53名男性及9名女性,年龄介于24至56岁,其中一名是主任级官员。【点击:涉及未缴税款舞弊案 关税主管陈尸反贪委】
这宗继雪州行政议员欧阳捍华政治秘书赵明福命丧雪州反贪委总部大楼后,反贪污委员会再发生疑似坠楼命案引起巨大关注。 反贪委已经将两名反贪委官员停职,直到反贪委的内部调查完成为止。这两名反贪委官员被指违反指示,在证人还在反贪委办公楼范围内时,没有伴在证人身边。 首相署部长纳兹里说,政府会调查这起命案的起因,至于涉嫌贪污的关税局职员的调查工作也会继续下去。
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Pakatan MPs meet MACC amid the death of customs officer Posted: 11 Apr 2011 02:12 AM PDT |
Najib under fire over ‘flippant’ statement Posted: 11 Apr 2011 01:58 AM PDT Source: Free Malaysia Today
B Nantha Kumar | April 8, 2011 The prime minister gets the brickbats for allegedly showing no interest in Ahmad Sarbani’s case. VIDEO INSIDE
"What is the prime minister trying to explain?" he asked, adding that Najib was not serious about Ahmad Sabrani's case. Yesterday, Najib said that Ahmad Sarbani's case was different from Teoh Beng Hock's in that the latter was called in by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) for questioning whereas the former showed himself up voluntarily at the MACC office in Kuala Lumpur. Santiago was speaking to reporters at the MACC office here after meeting its director Jaafar Maahad to get more information about Ahmad Sarbani. Also present were Pakatan Rakyat parliamentarians Khalid Samad (Shah Alam), Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud (Kota Raja) and M Manoharan (Teluk Intan). Santiago also said that Pakatan generally supported the operation of the MACC in its fight against corruption, but the anti-graft agency has to bear responsibility for the death of Ahmad Sarbani. "He died in the premises of the MACC. So, MACC has to answer for this tragedy," he added. Manoharan said that he would call for an emergency sitting of Parliament to discuss the procedures for an investigation of the MACC. "What was the MACC doing? How did it let someone to fall to his death?" he asked, adding that as a lawyer, he has never come across a case where a victim has volunteered to provide information. He also said the public wants answers from the government, especially regarding the mystery of the lost documents and Ahmad Sarbani's mobile phone. "Besides, people also want to know how is it possible for him to fall out of a small window. "And why has the government refused to release the post-mortem report since the case is of public interest?" Manoharan asked. Install CCTVs Meanwhile, Khalid said the MPs visited the MACC headquarters here to obtain the latest information about Ahmad Sarbani's case. "We expect the state to provide information to the people," he said, adding that the parliamentarians also suggested to the MACC to install CCTVs in every corner of the office. He said that a suspect must always be accompanied by a MACC officer during investigation in the future. Khalid said that Pakatan expects the federal government to form a Royal Commission of Inquiry to probe into Ahmad Sarbani's incident. Earlier, police blocked the roads leading to the MACC office after rumours spread that Pakatan supporters planned to hold a protest rally against the MACC. Ahmad Sarbani was arrested in connection with a corruption offence earlier this month. He was released on bail after questioning. However, he was found dead inside the premises of the KL MACC in Jalan Cochrane on Wednesday. ![]() |
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